Psychotherapy and Counceling
Gestalt Psychotherapy & Sexotherapy
Gestalt Coaching
Therapy for Adults, Couples and Teenagers >16 years old
*** For more information, just scroll down on this page. ***
Practice both in French or in English

Don't stay alone… Call a Certified Practionner in Gestalt-Therapy to support you in difficult times :
Marie-Odile Pirus
Tel : 06 81 22 77 67
European Certificate of Psychotherapy (C.E.P.)
Degree from l’École Parisienne de Gestalt (EPG) : deep training in Humanist Psychotherapy.
Specialized Degree in Deep Training in Body Process in Gestalt-Therapy.
Also trained at ESOG (N°1 Gestalt Sexotherapy French School) during 3 years. Degree at the end of 2018.
Certified Professionnal Coach from "Ecole de Coaching de Paris" (training during 15 months).
Specilized MBA in Human Resources at HEC (N°1 French Business School)
Member of Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et de Psychanalyse (FF2P).
MARIE-ODILE PIRUS, 7 Voie Destailleur, 91 490 MILLY LA FORET - SIRET : 903 484 392 00019 I +33 (0)6 81 22 77 67 I
Reasons To Consult Me...
Are you suffering ?
Here are some typical reasons why you may want ton consult :
‣ Sleep Issues, Depression, Burn Out,
‣ Separation, Divorce
‣ Illness, Disability, Grief
‣ Emotional Dependancy
‣ Anxiety, Stress, Tiredness, Trauma
‣ Facing Transition
‣ Personal Development
‣ Gifted, High-Potentials
‣ Anger Management
‣ Difficulties at Work : tensions, change, etc.
‣ Harassment, Dismissal
‣ Search for your Mission of Life
‣ Personal Crisis, Quest for Meaning
‣ Better know and understand yourself
‣ Wellness, Inner Peace
‣ Acceptation of your Body
‣ Embrace your Sexuality and your Gender
‣ Sexual Problems
‣ Self esteem, Lack of Confidence
‣ Obessive Disorders (OCD), Eating Disorders
‣ Couple Crisis, Family Tensions
‣ Search for Better Relationships
My Methods
To Support You

Gestalt Psychotherapy
Gestalt Psychotherapy Gestalt is a holictic therapy with uses cognitive work, emotions and body expression. Gestalt method brings awareness on our ways to live and interact with others , in order to avoir the repetition of the same scénario.

Humanist Psychotherapy
Humanist Psychotherapy is centered on the person who is viewed and approached with the unique singularity of each individual and inconditionnally welcomed. The absence of judgment support the developement of self-esteem and of self-confidence.

Body Process Methods in Therapy
Body Process Methods use exprience from the body, body perceptions, fundamental archaic body movements and body reappropriation. This approach provides awareness on archaic retrofexion and allow to actualise them here and now.

Therapeutical Coaching
Le Coaching Thérapeutique est une approche centrée sur la solution, les outils, les processus qui favorisent la réussite. J'utilise des outils issus de l'Hypnose, la PNL, l'Elément Humain. Ces outils permettent une approche pragmatique et concrète des difficultés vécues.
I am here
To Support You

Marie-Odile Pirus
My name is Marie-Odile Pirus. I am 55 years old, I work and live in Milly-la-Forêt (91490), next to Fontainebleau forest. Milly-la-Forêt is one hour drive from Porte d'Orléans (South Paris, exit 13 on A6).
After 20 years mostly working in Human Resource, I chose to place Coaching and Therapy at the heart of my professional activity and to open my consulting practice in Paris (in the 16th district).
I trained in Coaching at the Ecole de Coaching de Paris and I trained in psychotherapy at the Ecole Parisienne de Gestalt (EPG), a school registered at the Paris Rectorate and approved by the European Association for Gestalt Therapy.
To complete this, I also completed a certification in the "Six Fundamental Movements in Gestalt-Therapy", co-created within the infant/parent dyad in the first year of life and similarly functioning within the co-creating of adult relationship.
This 30 days certification programme is based on the work of Ruella Frank, Ph.D., who has been exploring early infant movements and their relationship to the adult since the mid-1970s.
I also trained in Sexotherapy at the Ecole de Sexotherapie à Orientation Gestaltiste (in Paris), a school founded by Brigitte Martel and Martine Masson, two european references in the sexotherapy world.
Therefore I am a Certified Coach and a Certified Gestalt Therapist.
My certifications in Gestalt cover both theoretical and practical training, my personal psychotherapy and continuous supervision of my practice by one of my senior peers.
I am French and I have been using English as a professionnal language for 20 years, mostly in business environment.
Therefore consultations can take place in both languages with Adults, Couples or Teenagers.
My professional practice is regularly supervised.
To Make An Appointment
Call me : 06 81 22 77 67
“Living is the rarest thing on Earth … Most of the time, we only exist. ”(Oscar Wilde)

“Gestalt” comes from the German verb “gestalten” which means “to shape”, “to emerge”.
Gestalt therapy was born in the fifties in the United States and arrived in Europe in the 70s. It is part of the psychotherapies of the Humanist current. Gestalt considers the Human being in a continuous interaction with others within their environment.
Gestalt therapy incorporates a global vision of oneself to better understand how we function. During consultations, bodily, emotional and sensory dimensions are mobilized.
Instead of focusing on the “Why?” of the situation, in Gestalt will focus on “How? ” which will mobilize change in order to move towards solutions for the patient.
Gestalt thus promotes authenticity of contact with others and is focused on the adjustments that the patient could operate within their environment in order to help them to change any repetitive behaviors that are not helping.
I use an integrative approach that combines several schools of psychotherapy, coaching techniques and a variety of other tools when needed.
- Psycho-corporal Therapy – Gestalt Therapy
- Sexotherapy, centered on the couple
- Therapeutic coaching, centered on processes and solutions
- Additional tools and approahs : MBTI certification, Human Element Certification (Level 2, certfication by Ethan Schutz), Appreciative Inquiry (certification), Transattional Analysis (Certification 101), NLP, Hypnose (certification)
I have chosen this integrative approach in oder to adapt to each specific situation.
Of course, you will be welcomed without judgment and in total confidentiality.
You will be able to evoke freely both current suffering and older pain from your past that prevent you from beeing fully happy today.
This is also a space for your personal development in order to get to know yourself (much) better and take more conscious decisions for you and for your life !

Following an initial contact by email or phone, we will define the date of our first appointment.
This will also be an opportunity for me to meet you for the first time. I will present you my professional practice and will answer any questions you may have (Gesrtalt-therapy, frequency of your appointments, likely duration of your therapy, etc).
During this consultation, we will discuss your motivations and needs to initiate a therapeutic work.
At the end of this first contact, if we are both comfortable working with each other, we will continue with your first therapy consultation.
My consultations last 50 minutes for an individual and 90 minutes for a couple. We will define the frequency together.
At the end of this first contact, if we are both comfortable working with each other, we will continue with your first therapy consultation.
My consultations last 50 minutes for an individual and 90 minutes for a couple. We will define the frequency together.
The first consultation is a regular consultation, paid at its regular price : 75 euros for an individual (50 minutes) and 150 euros for a couple (90 minutes; 75 euros per person).
I have signed the code of ethics of my profession which is available on the website of the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (FF2P).
My aim is to protect patients while fostering a harmonious and fruitful therapeutic work.
That's why :
I followed for several years a personal psychotherapy both in individual and group sessions
I was trained in theory and practice in psychology and in psychopathology
I am supervised in my practice of psychotherapy by a senior peer.
I continue my training throughout the year through specialized training modules complementary to my initial training
I commit to the highest ethical and deontological standards of professionalism, confidentiality and discretion.
... and I contonue to develop myself.
What my Clients Say About My Seminar "Go For Your Success !"
Passion, compétence et bienveillance vers une nouvelle version de soi...
"J'y ai rencontré une belle personne qui a su nous emmener avec passion, compétence et bienveillance vers une nouvelle version de soi, plus épanouie. Avec un zeste de théorie et surtout à l'aide de la pratique et du ressenti corporel, ce stage a permis de mettre le doigt sur ce qui doit changer et a donné des pistes pour ce changement.
A nous de jouer !…"
/ Alma Consult
Un stage d'une richesse exceptionnelle...
"Un stage d'une richesse exceptionnelle. Je peux vous l'affirmer, l'ayant vécu en janvier dernier.
Un accompagnement exceptionnel de Marie-Odile Pirus : simplicité, professionnalisme, enthousiasme ...
Une coach qui partage son expérience perso et pro pour nous booster et autant vous dire que ça marche !…"
/ Déclencheur de Bonheur
Marie-Odile vous accueille là où vous êtes, comme vous êtes...
"Marie-Odile est en parfaite cohérence avec son thème. Etre soi et se donner les moyens de réussir en rêvant... sans se rêver.
J'ai compris en l'expérimentant, dans son stage créatif et abondant, que la réussite dans la Vie est un choix et non réservée à une élite.
Elle vous accueille là où vous êtes, comme vous êtes et c'est bon et doux…"
/ Gestalt-Thérapeute
To Make
An Appointment

Marie-Odile Pirus
C O N T A C T - M E
Don't be Shy
& Just Call me :
06 81 22 77 67
“The most important is not what one did to you, but what yourself do with what one did to you. ” (Jean-Paul Sartre)